Course | MS Physics |
Cluster | Laser Systems & Applications |
Adviser | Myles Allen H. Zosa, PhD |
Socials |
Research interests
My research focuses on investigating plasma confinement and the generation of intense magnetic fields through laser-plasma interactions using computational techniques.
BS Thesis
Theta Pinch Mechanism in Paisley Targets Using Relativistic Femtosecond Lasers via EPOCH Particle-In-Cell Code Simulation (2024)
SPP articles
ANA Logarta and MAH Zosa, Demonstration of the θ-pinch effect on double paisley targets using relativistic femtosecond lasers, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 42, SPP-2024-3C-03 (2024). URL: https://proceedings.spp-online.org/article/view/SPP-2024-3C-03
Non-research interests
I occasionally implement and develop programs, projects, and activities that promote youth and community development. I also dance and do digital arts.