Jared Joshua C. Operaña

CourseBS Physics
ClusterStructured Light & Applications
AdviserNathaniel P. Hermosa, II, PhD

Research interests

light-matter interaction, reflectivity, Goos-Hanchen shifts, and spectral analysis

BS Thesis

Observation of Goos-Hanchen Shifts in low-loss dielectrics: Experimental observations in Si substrate

SPP articles

J. C. Opera ̃na, J. Cabanilla, and N. Hermosa. Suppressing inherent
noise by combining different frequency peaks in fourier transform
profilometry. In Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas,
volume 36, pages SPP–2018–PA–47, 2018.

J. C. Opera ̃na, R. C. Simon, and N. Hermosa. An approach to thin
film oxide detection in gaas substrate using goos-hanchen shift. In
Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas, volume 38, pages
SPP–2020–3G–04, 2020.

J. C. Opera ̃na, N. Zambale, and N. Hermosa. Influence of the ra-
tio between extinction coefficient and real component refractive in-
dex of materials to the spatial goos-h ̈anchen shifts of incident light
beams. In Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas, vol-
ume 37, pages SPP–2019–PA–40, 2019.

Non-research interests

Playing Helldivers 2, Factorio, Valorant, Dota 2, Chess